Conversation Between Pogue and The Feral Underclass

  1. You can report it in the moderators action thread here. If you ever think you've made a mistake just contact a longer-standing mod or admin and it's usually easy to resolve. If there's no one around and you think it's really important or you've made a huge mistake like delete an entire forums threads and you have to leave the board, it's probably best to start a thread in moderation.
  2. Pogue
    Do we have to report trashing posts anywhere? I also made it to check I was doing it properly, because I deleted something before and I did it wrong because it didn't go to the trashcan.
  3. The moderation forum is getting clogged up with unnecessary threads. You don't need to start a thread to talk about trashing post. If in doubt you can contact an admin or another moderator. If you wouldn't mind taking that into consideration it would be much appreciated.
  4. Pogue
    I never knew your personal vendetta agaisnt me stretched so far too you accusing me of things i didnt do, all because i said afed are a bit crap too
  5. Pogue
    what is the actual reason why we're not allowed to discuss board admin with the membership in threads made to address these issues? thw only alternative would them asking us all everytime which is less efficient. maybe just make a catch all discussion thread and sticky it?
  6. Pogue
    stick it to that maoist plonker TAT!
  7. Pogue
    that was a bit out of order. i didnt know i couldnt start a thread for holden yet.
  8. Pogue
    OK then mate, thats cool.
  9. If you want to continue believing that I have something against you or that I'm trying to have a go at you then that's your problem, it's really nothing to do with me. You have misinterpreted my tone in the bear posts and with my posts in the anarchist group, and as I said to you in the anarchist group and as I implied with my post in the film thread, I am not being combative and I have nothing personal against you. I understand that I don't fill my posts with flowery banter and smilies, but that doesn't mean I'm trying to make out you're an idiot. My posting style may seem clinical, but I'm here to debate politics and that is a clinical process at times. If this sounds rude then I apologise, but you really need to get over whatever issue you have with me, because it's totally one-sided. I'm not out to get you.

    As for the paedophilia thread, I think my response to being called a paedophile and having my position intentionally misrepresented was perfectly within proportion.
  10. The guy's a lunatic. People just get ideas into their heads that something is one way and no matter what you say they will only ever read from it what they want to read from it. EVIL ANTI-THEIST!!!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 13