Conversation Between Crimson Commissar and ComradeMan

  1. Crimson Commissar
    Heh. I assume you're referring to my anti-theism? It's very unlikely I'll abandon it any time soon, from what I can see religion has done very little good for the world. But I could tone it down a bit. I don't really have a problem with people being religious. It is the right of every human being to hold whatever beliefs they wish. If someone wants to be a christian fundamentalist fascist then to be honest, I don't really care. It's when they force those beliefs on others that it becomes a problem. You could say that I force Atheism on others I suppose... But it's not really that I want everyone to become an atheist, I'm just annoyed that people would want to serve such a tyrannous god, whether they believe in it or not.
  2. ComradeMan
    Es salamu eleikum!

    Can we perhaps learn to learn from each other? Work on the positives and try to eradicate the negatives is what I say.
  3. Crimson Commissar
    How exactly did you get restricted? Just wondering, since you seem to share a lot of the same viewpoins as me... ._.
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