Conversation Between Puzzled Left and Rafiq

  1. Puzzled Left
    How does one approach Althusser's Reading Capital (or Althusser in general)?
  2. Rafiq
    I touched on this tendency in previous threads. It is not uniquely an American phenomena. Recently Japan slashed its humanities departments, for example. It represents a degeneration of our democratic standards.
  3. Puzzled Left
    Yes, that makes sense. BTW, what do you think of the current trend that calls for more "purpose-oriented" and "skill-based" public education in the United States?
  4. Rafiq
    Rallying against it seems to be a waste of time. Energy should be directed at its implications for workers politically and economically. Opposing the deal all together is futile.
  5. Puzzled Left
    What should the socialists' attitude towards TPP be?
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