Conversation Between Volcanicity and Q

  1. Volcanicity
    Yeah, but I'm trying to turn laziness into an artform
  2. Q
    Yeah, most links can be looked up by some smart googling though
  3. Volcanicity
    I'm not sure what the ******* refers to in my previous post but any way I meant the Revolutionary Marxists group.
  4. Volcanicity
    Thank you Comrade.I wasn't sure weather it was me or not but all the earlier links to do with the CPGB website in the *******,DOTP,Third Period etc groups since their overhaul don't work.
  5. Q
    I think I was referring to this article. Happy reading.
  6. Volcanicity
    Could you give me the link you posted in the DOTP group.It seems ever since the CPGB gave their site a new look all the links prior to that just send you to the homepage.
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