Conversation Between Vyacheslav Brolotov and TheGodlessUtopian

  1. TheGodlessUtopian
    It needs to be decided in jointly by the others.I can't make rouge actions though I think it is rather solid case.Will inform you when the matter is resolved.
  2. Hello, did anything happen?
  3. TheGodlessUtopian
    I do not know what you are talking about.I assume it is about the thread I closed in Sports&Health.If so than consider that any talk about Age of Consent is a slippery slope;I could very well be doing you a favor...

    At any rate, it is nothing personal CC.I take my job as a Moderator very seriously.As I said in the post, you may petition an Admin and hope I am wrong.
  4. LOL, now me and my comrade have something to laugh about. XD

    But, honestly, I thought you were more rational. Perhaps you are, but I have my doubts now. At least you are one of the better mods, I can give you that.
  5. TheGodlessUtopian
    Theory wise... I can't say I take a specific side in the Stalin-Trotsky debate.Whether it is SIOC or PR I can't say I care one way or another.Not to say I have looked into either very much (always meant to but never got around to it).
  6. TheGodlessUtopian
    I am not sure when I gave the impression that I leaned towards Marxsim-Leninism.I am a Pan Leftist and a Moderator so I try and clamp down on sectarian fighting here while respecting everyone's views.I cannot say I have much of a theoretical preference one way or another (since I believe that a socialist revolution can be made from any kind of ideology) but I do strongly support a transitional state and socialist organizations (vanguard parties of both Left-Communist and typical Trotskyist variety).

    Influential people: I passionately uphold Lenin and Marx while keeping special admiration for Che and Trotsky. Stalin and Mao I reserve constructive criticism of;I know hard decisions had to be made when they were leaders and didn't eat babies (an important fact to note,I The only thing I take offense to is the mindless sectarianism from their followers (Am goddamn sick of Ice Pick jokes.It is just fucking immature to make light of murdering revolutionaries).
  7. I notice that you have sorta been leaning toward Marxism-Leninism recently. What do you think about it? I know you are already a Leninist, though.

    Thanks for the idea! Also, check out the story I commentated on. It is of importance to both Latinos and homosexuals.
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