Conversation Between Brother No. 1 and OneNamedNameLess

  1. Brother No. 1
    he did admit his only "leftist" views are on Soical issues and Labour. rest are conservative.
  2. I'm sorry PS but I am not interested in getting involved in that constant, pointless argument. I don't trust that user very much either and suspect he may be a closet rightist. Best of luck anyway
  3. Brother No. 1
    Did you now see what is happening?
  4. Brother No. 1
    I gave up power and gave it to Insertnamehere and then she gave it to me then I gave it to Communist theory.
  5. Not yet PS. I will check it out. I see your not leading the group anymore. How come?
  6. Brother No. 1
    Did you check the "Red Army" thread in the CCCP?
  7. Brother No. 1
    Thnaks comrade and a happy Revolutionaty life to you.
  8. A revolutionary happy birthday to you my friend
  9. Thanks for the invite comrade. I'm not a fan of the former USSR although I like some aspects of it. I will do my best to contribute. Are you setting up a forum for the group?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9