Conversation Between tehpevis and ComradeRed22'91

  1. ComradeRed22'91
    Not a Marxist anymore?
  2. tehpevis
    Just about.
  3. ComradeRed22'91
    Ha. Yeah. that's probably pretty gay.
  4. tehpevis
    mmhm, CHS, Class of 2011. I'm likely one of the very small fraction of the people at my school who never wears fucking school colors.
  5. ComradeRed22'91
    That's cool. i'm still working on getting a GF:P
    graduating next year?
  6. tehpevis
    Still in school, 11th grade. Taking a 3-D Animation class, which kicks ass. Got a girlfriend, get high every few days, post on teh interwebz. To sum it up, "Slightly better than last year".
  7. ComradeRed22'91
    Thank you, comrade Mike. They're pretty good. STarted working as a can only imagine how it makes me feel. :P
  8. tehpevis
    Welcome back, comrade Jesse. How're things?
  9. ComradeRed22'91
    Wow. the visitor messages thing was right in front of my face! :P
  10. ComradeRed22'91
    Wow. the visitor messages thing was right in front of my face! :P
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