Conversation Between BIXX and The Feral Underclass

  1. Pretty good thanks Just doing my thing. How about you?
  2. BIXX
    Yeah, the idler is just a minor nuisance.

    How've you been? Its been ages since we last talked.
  3. In regards to The Idler, my advice would be to ignore him. He's simply trying to find a way to goad me. Up to you though obvs.
  4. Good, good. Sorry to hear you've been feeling blue. Hope you're feeling a bit better now.
  5. BIXX
    I've been kinda inactive. I was in New Mexico for a while (which I'm gonna post about regarding EARTHSHIPS) and then the last few days I've been kinda depressed so I've been sleeping more than anything else. Then I was gonna do it last night but I ended up hanging out with a few friends and getting sloshed, but I hope to so it tonight.

    How are you doing?
  6. Hey! I haven't seen you around in what feels like ages.
  7. BIXX
    I don't know. I just prefer to watch threads play out rather than having them closed (most of the time).
  8. I wouldn't worry about it.
  9. BIXX
    I'm really not surprised :P oh well.

    That feel when it's prolly my fault.
  10. Told ya
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