Conversation Between Deicide and aquaruis15000

  1. hugz and kisses xxx
  2. Okay hun
  3. Shat ya mout bro
  4. IDK about that cuzzo. Aqua Ruis - Ruis is the first name. BOY
  5. Yo momma said that to me last night, I was like woah, mrs Aquarius, you're hardcore!
  6. I thought a nice come back is what happens after doggy style
  7. It was a nice comeback wasn't it
  8. I lol'd. Thanks
  9. I'm going to round you up next revolution and feed you to professional bodybuilders.
  10. It's decadent as fuck. If there is another world revolution, the Red Terror will involve rounding up people like "professional bodybuilders" and feeding them to starving children in the global south.
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