Conversation Between Tim Cornelis and Guardia Rossa

  1. It's evolving all the time! /lolz
    I'll policy myself, thanks for the tip.
  2. Tim Cornelis
    Bruh, this is not a matter of evolving language. Evolution in language has to be grammatically correct by their own rules, i.e. internally consistent. This is why, say, African American Vernacular English is a correct form of English, because it is internally consistent and logical. Using "it's" in place of of "its" violates this principle. /grammar nazi rant
  3. I come here as the ghost of Old Anglish and I must say that all you write is wrong.
  4. Tim Cornelis
    you don't know me but I'm a grammar cheka and I've had to restrain myself from correcting you, but you keep using "it's" wrongly. So yeah.............................................. ................. bye
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