Conversation Between AK and Chambered Word

  1. Haha. Well that explains why I haven't been there...
  2. Chambered Word
    Yeah I went there for the 'reward excursion' at the end of the school year. Apparently it's awesome to go down the waterslides while half pissed.
  3. Is Adventure World in WA?
  4. Chambered Word
    You must have been to Adventure World before. They have a peacock there, at least they do over here. It just wanders around and shit, being a peacock.
  5. Yes, because I know what you're talking about - being in Melbourne and all
  6. Chambered Word
    A hundred would be hard to kidnap. But I can just go to the university over here and throw one into a sack lol. Or from Adventure World but I think that would be hard, we'd need a getaway vehicle.
  7. Let in a hundred peacocks. Let them fucking loose.
  8. Chambered Word
    Hah. So what do you think of my idea to let a peacock loose in the gymnasium during next year's Anzac Day assembly?
  9. I can't imagine how a war in Europe helped to protect our freedoms... Strangely enough, it was perfectly shown in that movie Gallipoli. They stumble across some dude on a camel in the Nullabor and he didn't know that there was a war or why Australians were fighting turks.
  10. Chambered Word
    I couldn't help but point out to my mother how bullshit it was when I saw a picture on the train home (it was advertising the times for trains towards where the services are being held) with the caption saying something like 'remember the sacrifices that have secured our future' or some bullshit that made it out that these wars were necessary 'for our freedoms'. Hurr fucking durr.
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