Conversation Between the last donut of the night and bcbm

  1. the last donut of the night
    yeah man i dont get why some people are so hard on our democrat leaders
  2. bcbm
    hey man they ended the war in vietnam man
  3. the last donut of the night
    the worst is that that picture is now like a universal go-to image for annoying pacifist liberals
  4. bcbm
    nothing like naked children laughing and frolicking down the street
  5. the last donut of the night
  6. bcbm
    life in ye olden days looks depressing as hell
  7. the last donut of the night
  8. the last donut of the night
    this is his most famous painting. his subjects seem stiffer than others in most flemish painting
  9. bcbm
    i dunno van eyck. tell me more
  10. the last donut of the night
    van eyck? idk for some reason he seems like such an asshole
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