Conversation Between Plagueround and BobKKKindle$

  1. Re: ComradeMan and Afghanistan, as an admin could you please give us some indication of where this is being discussed within the admin/mod teams, whether action is going to be taken, or something?
  2. Plagueround
    Heh it's ok. I feel bad having to clamp down on what used to be one of my favorite things about the CC.
  3. sorry *looks sheepish*
  4. Plagueround
    Heh, that's about what I expected they would do. Provoke most Rand fans and you'll usually find a racist.
  5. no worries, they made another racist comment, and they are now banned.
  6. Plagueround
    I wrote that and then had to log for the evening, I've been super busy with job interviews and travel. Needless to say, it'll be the first thing I do today.
  7. Re:

    Not going to ask for a warn in the CC? I would if I were in your position, but I'll let you make the decision.
  8. Re: request for source,

    I think I first heard it in the PBS Documentary entitled "China: A Century of Revolution" but since then I've also read about it in different books on China such as Mobo Gao's "The Battle for China's Past", Hinton's "The Great Reversal" and the Oxford Modern History of China.
  9. Plagueround
    Waves and hugs back!
  10. *waves* + *huggs*
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