Conversation Between icepick and Holden Caulfield

  1. no i didnt know that you see i am terribly stupid, so stupid that i think people who have defended bolshevism, admitted they are CWI and have a 4th int avatar arent trotskyists
  2. icepick
    I didn't know you were a Trot. I thought you was an anarchist. You are a callous fucker as well... You realise that some Nazis say the death of 6 million people in the holocaust was just part of the war and not simply slaughter and repression, right?
  3. shut up the fuck up if you dont like it dont post get a life and piss off, the bolsheviks (pre-stalin) were fighting a war, and a class war, deaths and things that we wouldnt want to normally occur are inevitable in such situations
  4. icepick
    yeah whatever mate. if you're so anti-fascist why don't you spend a thought for the 20 + million people killed by Bolshevism. or do you only care about people killed by nazis? i'm not taking the piss or being tongue in cheek. but fuck it, don't bother replying. this place is bollox.
  5. hey, btw im the antifa mod and a member of the CWI, i like Jonny Fen Boy, and if your his mate great for you, but dont bring any of your pissy childish shit to my forum,

    astral love
  6. icepick
    Workers' Icepick!
  7. interesting choice of name...

    fucking anarchists,

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