Conversation Between Matty_UK and BobKKKindle$

  1. Matty_UK
    i probably won't be in hong kong anytime soon, studying in qinghua and i don't think i can get away with skipping class. im probably going to be travelling around in the february holiday though, no concrete plans as of yet but if i end up visiting hong kong ill let you know.
    would be good to meet up with a comrade at any rate, i'm in an extremely bourgeois environment right now so haven't had much opportunity to talk politics with anyone...

    incidentally, you wouldn't happen to have any knowledge on how i could get involved with any leftist organisation in beijing?
  2. ohh, i read on HC's profile that you're in China. I've never visited Beijing, but try and visit Shanghai if you haven't already - it's a great city, lots of historical and political stuff if that's what you're interested in. Hong Kong is also great - if you ever visit then give me a shout because I live there and if I'm there at that time I'd be happy to show you around Although if you're in China to learn Mandarin I'd guess you'd want to stay in the mainland. I'm thinking of doing China studies myself at postrgrad level.
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