Conversation Between Radio Spartacus and Ceallach_the_Witch

  1. Ceallach_the_Witch
    afaik the situation is quite different here in the UK (although as usual it's begun to resemble the American system more and more.) Whilst I don't think I could call any of my lecturers marxists, most modules I've done have stressed that there are several ways to interpret history and so on. A lot of my lecturers/tutors are critical of marxist interpretations of history but I certainly can't think of any that are openly hostile to it. I know that my special subject tutor admires Fernand Braudel's work which is pretty interesting stuff.
  2. Radio Spartacus
    Just saw in the thread "working class" that you are an undergraduate history student. You have my respect, but I've got to ask: how do you do it? I'm not sure what the situation is like where you are, but in the United States history is taught via a rigid bourgeois narrative that would drive me insane.
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