Conversation Between Little Bobby Hutton and bailey_187

  1. lol nah dw
  2. LOL
    Was that inaproppriate of me
  3. lol, excuse me?
  4. I often get facebook and my space mixed up

    Anyway do you wanna come on my face
  5. RCG, i will have a look at them, i have been waiting for a maoist group too, one that will run community programmes and partake in millitant grass work struggle.
    I still have alot of learning to do aswell though.
  6. think i am going to join the Revolutionary Communist Group. They do a fair bit, they do lots of work with prisoners (their newspaper best selling political paper in prison) and other stuff.
    Hopefully a Maoist party starts up soon though.
  7. Hey comrade, yeah im from the UK and am not in any party at the moments, i dont see much point at the moment as non seem to be doing much, how about you?
  8. Bobby, u from UK right? What party u in if any?
  9. i was hoping you would contribute to my Maoist thread
  10. you're welcome
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