Conversation Between Positivist and The Jay

  1. Positivist
    So I really like the idea of starting a cooperative. For all the thought I put into future activities, I never even considered entering/starting a coop, I've even considered communes. But yea I really like the idea, any idea what kind of coop you wanna get into?
  2. Positivist
    I'm not sure if it worked my status was changed from new to active but I can't login. I'll try again later I guess.
  3. The Jay
    I sent you one via email. It may put a priority on your request.
  4. The Jay
    Sounds right. I'll see if I can find a code.
  5. Positivist
    It says something about an invite code which you would have to make, but I think I might need the invite of two users.
  6. Positivist
    Ok, I'll try.
  7. The Jay
    I think that you need to put in a request and add my username there as someone who recommended the site to you. They will likely ask me for confirmation. Try that.
  8. The Jay
    Sure, just let me figure out how to do that lol.
  9. Positivist
    Hey I just got one of your emails, it was the one about the invitation and my response is yes.
  10. The Jay
    Does it work for other people? If so then it would definitely be SkyNet training for the takeover by fucking with you.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 89
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