Conversation Between Positivist and The Jay

  1. The Jay
    I'm going to an IWW meeting next weekend.
  2. Positivist
    I've been doing pretty well, how about yourself?
  3. The Jay
    How've you been?
  4. Positivist
    Will do.
  5. The Jay
    check yo email foo
  6. The Jay
    Check out that rioting thread.
  7. Positivist
    At my new email? Idk I'll check. And perhaps I'll see what research I can do into successful industires. Federating communes is a good idea, and one which I have long held. I kinda think it would be a good idea to campaign for employee ownership and then offer each coop the option of federating into trans-industrial coordination orgs, kinda like collectives/communes.
  8. The Jay
    I'm more studying their structure and how businesses are run. In my occupy group I was trying to get help in setting up a federation of coops in my area but they weren't enthused at the prospect of that effort, which annoyed me. I suppose that I could do it myself and I'll give it a shot despite the great amount of work involved once I have a better grasp of what I'd be doing. Also, I sent you an email; did you get it?
  9. Positivist
    Sounds like a plan. It would also be a good idea to scout out what industries would be profitable in certain locations as well as in general.
  10. The Jay
    It all depends on what skills that I think I'm strongest in and what those of my comrades that would join me would be. I'm not really all that picky since I'm still in the beginning phases. I would be fine with just about anything and would work hard regardless of what was decided. Once I have some start up capital and enough people willing to put in the capital and effort I'll give it my all.
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 89
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