Conversation Between Bear MacMillan and OI OI OI

  1. youre terrible

  2. no, seriously, im going to be living in some peruvian house for 3 weeks and build schools and shit :P

    ah thats so sweet of you!

    Let them not have schools and infastructure in order to become more class concious and realize the need to overthrow capitalism!

    No to charity.
  3. yes, i am enslaving natives to work for oil companies who will then use the money to fund right-wing militias in 3rd world countries.

    no, seriously, im going to be living in some peruvian house for 3 weeks and build schools and shit :P
  4. sick !

    what work though?
    establishing imperialist interests there?
  5. lol because this summer i might go to peru and do some work
  6. hahaha why?
  7. i dont think i can make it on the 3rd, i have to go to some training camp or somethng
  8. you fool
  9. lol because its a psudonym i used for awhile
  10. why is your name bear mc millan?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 15