Conversation Between JPSartre12 and Zoroaster

  1. JPSartre12
    It was a non-communist but still left-of-centre workers' group that was critical of Stalin's policies in the USSR and Western imperialism (the US' Marshall Plan at the end of World War II, France's occupation of Algeria from 1830-1962, etc). Most of its members were supportive of the Communist Party/Socialist Party electoral alliance in February of 1968 because the Rally was concerned with "the menace of fascism in the deliberately toned-down De Gaulle movement". There's a decent peace on the Rally in the Marxist Internet Archive by New International, which you can find here:
  2. Zoroaster
    Also, sorry to bug you again, but the description for the group also mentioned a "Revolutonary Democratic Rally". By sound of it, I'm guessing it has something to do with the '68 uprising, but what is it exactly?
  3. JPSartre12
    Any time, comrade.
  4. Zoroaster
    Okay, thanks.
  5. JPSartre12
    La Gauche Prolétarienne ("the Proletarian Left") was a short-lived Maoist organization of young French communists that were sympathetic to the Cultural Revolution from 1969-1973. Benny Lévy was Sartre's secretary (under the pen name Pierre Victor) and the "intellectual leader" of the group. You can read an overview of it here:
  6. Zoroaster
    I noticed in the description of the "Existentialist Marxist" group that it mentions a party called the Proletarian Left. What's the deal with them?
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