Conversation Between Bitter Ashes and Brother No. 1

  1. Brother No. 1
    LOL TX isnt so lucky. Its 3:22 am!
  2. Bitter Ashes
    The sun's been up for like 5 hours!
  3. Brother No. 1
    what is it dawn over there now?
  4. Brother No. 1
    Oh yes...well now I know. :P
  5. Brother No. 1
    Hello comrade can you give me a few good sites on Hoxhaism and some Marxist-Leninist, Anti-Revisionist, sites and readings?
  6. Brother No. 1
    Well we Communists here in the People's Union of Yugoslavia know of what you do. Yes we bugged it his aid was the bug. XD
  7. Bitter Ashes
    Just to clarify, he was reading that thing in his office alone. Is number 10 bugged? :P
  8. Brother No. 1
    I dont know...maybe.
  9. Bitter Ashes
    Good grief! Did he just win the Asshat Of The Year Award???
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9