Conversation Between Mike Morin and The Feral Underclass

  1. As I said in my last message it is board policy to disallow members of the board to post personal pictures of themselves. I'm afraid this is not up for discussion and there will be no exceptions.

    It is unfortunate that you do not agree with this policy, but unfortunately as a user of this board you must abide by its guidelines. If you repost the picture I will take administrative action against you in the form of an infraction. If you reach 5 infractions will be automatically suspended and it could result in you being permanently banned.
  2. Mike Morin
    I am absolutely unafraid about having my picture passed on to "Fascist" organization(s). Shouldn't it be my personal decision to take such a risk?

    I fully, both from personal experience and my knowledge of history, understand the persecution, violence, and oppression of the labor movement and the political "left".

    However, if I choose to take such a risk, and in fact prefer to do so, shouldn't I be allowed that personal freedom?

    Please replace the picture, or if now blank empy space, allow me to repost it again.

    Thank you.

    Mike Morin
  3. It is a fact that the state and fascists collect pictures from leftist websites to collate information about known activists to be used for repressive or violent means. Furthermore this site is not secure and we have from persistent trolls who hack the site and have threatened to pass on photos to fascists organisations.

    This may not include you and you may not be at risk, but we are certainly not going to take our chances. Furthermore this is not a selective policy. It is a board wide policy and it effects everyone.
  4. Mike Morin
    Regarding my personal picture...

    That's a very strange policy. I want to be completely upfront about my politics. I want people to be able to recognize me by sight, to see a face along with the words. I know it shouldn't matter, at all, if we had sound, if my voice was base baritone, tenor, or falsetto, but I don't understand that action.

    Please explain.

    Thank you.

    Mike Morin
  5. It is against board guidelines to post personal pictures of yourself anywhere on the board. Therefore I have removed your personal profile picture.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5