Conversation Between Remus Bleys and Sea

  1. Sea
  2. Remus Bleys
    Born a roo$ter lolol I can't believe I didn't see that sooner. That's a really good one
  3. Sea
    pardon my french
  4. Remus Bleys
    theres apparently supposed to be something between ne and pas
  5. Sea
    C'est ne pas une Bordiga.
  6. Remus Bleys
    That was the best description I have ever read!
  7. Sea
    Not really, but it doesn't really seem like you want it to. Have you tried meth? Meth helps for this sort of thing.
  8. Remus Bleys
    I don't "justify" the two. I'm pretty obviously wrong on the religion thing, but I just can't shake it no matter how hard I try. It's a weakness. But I don't think I need to be 100% class conscious in order to understand and propagate marxist theory. I really should be an atheist I just can't for whatever reason. I'm sure everyone has something similar to that, just not so obviously anti-marxist as catholicism.
    Does that make sense?
  9. Remus Bleys
  10. Remus Bleys
    I've actually been debating that.
    This just solves that debate.
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