Conversation Between Comrade Martin and Zeus the Moose

  1. Zeus the Moose
    "Left Leninist" was a term I found in an article taking about "American Leninism in the 1970s," which considered basically all groups that came out of the (or into) the Leninist tradition and were to the left of the CPUSA as "left Leninist." Considering my politics have ventured further from the semi-orthodox Trotskyism that they were at a couple years ago, it's probably not as good of a descriptor as it used to be.

    Recently, I've been reading up on the "Kautsky revival" that some people are pushing, like Lars Lih and Mike Macnair (as well as some folks on RevLeft, to a degree.) With that in mind, I still consider myself a Leninist in a sense, in that Lenin was trying to adapt the organisational tactics used by the SPD to Russian conditions, as opposed to the quasi-myth of the "party of a new type."
  2. Comrade Martin
    Left-Leninism? Influenced by Luxembourg, perhaps? I also see from some discussion that you were once a fellow misguided YCL member... My studies and experiences have drawn me farther out of the "Leninist" milieu. Check out Raya Dunayevskaya's "Marxism and Philosophy." It may be a logical next step for you... though I found even Dunayevskaya to have some fundamental errors. RedStar2000 would be my best recommendation in the end to get you on a Marxist path.
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