Conversation Between Q and Lyev

  1. Lyev
    Hiya, it's good to hear from you mate. At the moment, I don't think I'll be attending CU this year. I find the discussions helpful and it's certainly refreshing to convene with those on the left aside from the usual dinosaurs and charlatans in the CWI. However, I haven't been active in the CWI for almost a year. It's sad, but I've become apathetic towards the 'activism' of the organised traditional left. If I absolutely had to describe my views, I would say I am closest to some kind of left communism? But I am intimidated and unenthused by the vast plenitude of literature on the subject. My experience in the CWI has been valuable, but I hate all this formalistic hogwash about 'recruitment drives', selling the paper and 'building the party'. Anyway, good to hear from you -- hope all is well in the Netherlands. I probably sound quite pessimistic which is kind of disheartening. Will drop you a PM sometime soon. Thanks
  2. Q
    Hey comrade, are you coming to the Communist University this year?
    I'm also going to the CWI summerschool in Gent. Perhaps we can meet up again!
  3. Lyev
    Hmm, although I am away for two weeks starting tomorrow, I could actually attend the event for one or two days. Youth hostels are fairly cheap, and there's some other stuff that I may as well do if I am there anyway. I agree, it would be good to attend and there are some interesting speakers (Ticktin, the Platypus guys). I would probably come somewhere between thursday-saturday.

    My only worry is money, as usual. Just to give you an idea, I live roughly 3 hours drive away from London, so I would obviously need to book a coach/train etc., and I was just in London for the day yesterday which has taken up a bit of cash. Access to emails whilst I'm away will probs be mostly via internet cafes by the way, so I might not be able to get back to on this for definite until I am actually back.

    Like I said, the only thing is money, so these plans might fall through. I might drop you a PM. Again, thanks for the discussions. Hope you're enjoying your summer/time-off so far. Thanks
  4. Q

    Better late as never

    I kinda expected that you dropped out of activity. It's a common pattern. You'll probably be swept out of the membership database at the next clean up because of dues not paid, etc. As for your ideological search and your step back from "activism", those are entirely understandable too.

    The CU is from 13 to 20 August. It would be great if you could come. Participation for the week is just £30 (see the details page). I hope you could at least come a few days.
  5. Lyev
    Hi Q, sorry I was really late in replying to your message. I still haven't left the CWI because I have been putting off phoning the regional sec. about it for months (), especially because of the state of the branch that I am nominally "secretary" of. Although I have been basically un-active for around 4 months now. I don't read the paper, go to meetings etc.

    I don't think I can make the CU. I will be away with my family for the first two weeks of August (it's on around the 8th of that month, right?). It would be great to meet up sometime, and I do genuinely appreciate the thoughtful dialogue we've had over the past couple of months. Perhaps if we're still in touch in a year's time and you're around at the CU then we can meet up?

    However, I am not sure my ideas are "Trotskyist" at all anymore, or in line with the CPGB. I am basically taking it a bit easy as regards 'activism', using the opportunity to re-evaluate a lot of the positions the traditional left.
  6. Q
    So, whatever happened since my last message, about a month ago?

    Will you come to the CU? It would be nice meeting you.
  7. Q
    Well, I'll wait for your message then. But as i said earlier, I think leaving the organisation is not going to be a step forward, for two reasons: Firstly there is no real alternative in the sect landscape and secondly we will never change the world, large or small, if we walk away. In my view it is a communist duty to express dissent and patiently explain differences, in order to educate the wider group. That too is communist leadership.

    Besides, I'm sure you have friends and responsibilities. Surely walking away is not good. To stay and fight is what our culture needs in order to have it changed.
  8. Lyev
    Hiya Q, thanks for your message. At the moment, I don't think so. I of course can't if I am no longer a CWI member; though this is not definite yet. Anyway, I will be away for two weeks as of this evening (Sat. 4th). When I get back I'll drop you a message and tell what's going on. Sorry if I left you waiting for the past few days. Thanks
  9. Q

    Are you still interested in participating in the studygroup?
  10. Q
    I didn't get it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 19