Conversation Between Prairie Fire and Paul Pott

  1. Yes I did. The second one is especially important since the exact opposite trend is taking place on the left right now, with liberals like Chomsky taking on the mantle of "socialism" in the west without serious challenge. Of course, that kind of thing has been going on since the advent of postmodernism.

    So, just something I'd like to ask you about, probably a petty nitpick more than anything. I noticed in many of your posts you write womyn instead of women, and I see where that comes from.

    But, why write person as persyn? The -son in person has no relation to the English word meaning male child. It comes from Latin (son = filius), and in Spanish the cognate is persona. It's the same with herstory and other words you see some feminists use.

    No offense, just wondering!
  2. Prairie Fire
    Read 'em?
  3. Interesting, thank you.
  4. Prairie Fire
    Here are some important articles. I highly recommend these to most of the modern anti-revisionist left:
  5. Everything is wonderful. Maybe a little dull at times, but worth it.
  6. Prairie Fire
    It goes...You?
  7. Hey, how's...stuff in general?
  8. That pretty much covered it, but thanks though. I asked you before he posted that.
  9. Prairie Fire
    What specifically do you need help with? I think Ismail got it.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 18