Conversation Between Caj and Brosa Luxemburg

  1. Brosa Luxemburg
    How far into the Workers' Group manifesto are you?
  2. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah, I'll post something in the Lenin Literati group on it when I do.

    BTW I will be away for a week starting Sunday.
  3. Caj
    It's not very long. If you decide to read it, I'd be interested to hear your thoughts on it. Also, I started reading that Workers' Group manifesto you told me about. I like it so far.
  4. Brosa Luxemburg
    I don't think I have read that writing yet.
  5. Caj
    I agree with you on both points. I was reading Lenin's polemic against the Russian communist left, and I tend to agree with his criticisms. (This is the text with the infamous "state capitalist" quote that the anarchists are so fond of quoting out of context.)
  6. Brosa Luxemburg
    I support the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk. I have a critical view of the Russian communist left, but I also agree with them on some things. What about you?
  7. Caj
    What's your opinion on the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk? Also, what is your opinion on the Russian communist left?
  8. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah, I have a very hard time believing that it was necessary. No argument I have heard has been satisfactory.

    At the same time, I am pretty sure that the rebellion wasn't proletariat in nature, but I also don't think that means that the measure was correct.
  9. Caj
    I can understand why one would oppose the Bolsheviks' actions in response to the rebellion. Their response was an unfortunate event that I'm not convinced was necessary. At the same time, I don't think the rebellion was proletarian in nature but was an expression of peasant discontent with War Communism.
  10. Brosa Luxemburg
    Yeah, I think that it is possible that the Kronstadt sailors could have been counter-revolutionaries, but there was no way to tell at the time (and now as well). The way Trotsky, Lenin, etc. went about it was just horrid as well. I honestly consider it Lenin's biggest mistake.
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