Conversation Between Sasha and Anti-Traditional

  1. Anti-Traditional
    was this being "at the extreme recieving end of capitalism" and under constant thread of "state crackdown" before or after you moved to northern America? now if you escaped a indian slum by hiding aboard a cargo ship for weeks i hereby already offer my deepest apologies but if not you shouldnt play that i'm proler than you game with ppl who can see your IP adresses. You have no clue how the lives of any user here has been and if and how they suffered under capital. Role playing the cool indian urban maoist from 7.000 miles away living safely under liberal-democracy is fine by me but dont insult other users you know nothing about. verbal warning for flaming''

    Ooooffffftttttttttttt!!! I'd be so embaressed if you outed me like this!
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