Conversation Between Искра and Caj

  1. Caj
    Thank you.
  2. I love your new avatar. Kollontai is love of my life.
  3. No problem
  4. Caj
    Okay, thanks.
  5. "Then one evening when, as usual, there were several men with me - and Nossar was one of us [Nossar was the first president of the Petersburg Soviet in October 1905] - the idea arose among us to create a permanent workers' organisation: a sort of committee or rather a council to watch over events, to serve as a link between all the workers, to inform them on the situation and to be able, when appropriate, to rally the revolutionary forces of the working class around it."
  6. Caj
    Where exactly did he say that the anarchists invented soviets?
  7. His book on Russian Revolution is terrible. While early Trotsky (in his book 1905) and some other Marxists showed how "Soviet movement" was a sponatanius working class movement and how Bolsheviks were not even so strong and how they were not incharge of that movement etc. he stated how Anarchists invented Soviets which is not true. This is my big problem with anarchists they claim to be for "spontanious" movements but only to claim how "all these movements are anarchist just because they are sponatious"...
  8. Caj
    Why don't you like Volin? Just curious.
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