Conversation Between Искра and Ostrinski

  1. Yeah, I pretty much don't care... to me all Trots, Stalinists, Maoists etc. are nothing but social democrats with weird fetishes thowards some old man
  2. Indeed. Some people aren't capable of making the distinction between Lenin and Leninism and Trotsky and Trotskyism.
  3. Hahaha I don't care. Stalinists and Trots use same shit arguments all over again, so after some time you get tired of discussing. I'll probably take a brake soon from "serious discussions". Even though, I could ask you a question now: "what is leninism"? I doubt that there is such thing
  4. Is it just me or has having it out with the leninists been more frustrating lately than usual
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4