Conversation Between ∞ and Drosophila

  1. naice one camrode, keep fightin the good fight
  2. ∞
    Fuck maoism. Mike Tusom has annorthodox fighting stance and has a mao tattoo i think hes a good boxer (rebellion) so Im a orthodox maoist.
  3. im glad u commited 2 maoism man
  4. ∞
    I don't find it necessary and for the most part utterly confusing. And ontologically it tries to pass itself as some kind of science when its not.
  5. Soo, why are you an "anti-dialectic"?
  6. ∞
    saw that. loved it.
  7. The greatest shit ever made-
  8. ∞
    JUST 3 BOYZ! I cried of laughter for an insanely long period of time.
  9. Any skit involving Zach Galifianakis, Tim, and Eric is automatically amazing.
  10. ∞
    Your avatar was the greatest Tim and Eric skit ever.
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