Conversation Between cyu and Communist Mutant From Outer Space

  1. cyu
    I wouldn't mind calling myself an anarcho-communist either, but to me it sounds vague in terms of what I'm aiming for, so if someone asked me how I plan to get there, maybe I'd reply "armed worker self-defense forces" - but then that approaches my vision of anarcho-syndicalism ^^
  2. cyu
    You can see a bit of my political evolution in the "About Me" section of my profile. I wouldn't say I'm a pure anarcho-syndicalist, in that I have many economic ideas not found within it, but I still see it as a better foundational blueprint than any other I've come across - either that, or I just don't understand the alternatives well enough ^^
  3. Why do you think anarcho-syndicalism is a good line of revolutionary leftism to follow? Isn't a bit anachronistic these days, what with unions having become a part of the capitalist system?
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