Conversation Between Quail and The Jay

  1. The Jay
  2. The Jay
    I am trying to learn econometrics from a bougie perspective for college. I need to review matricies, calc, and diff eq for even the first page of the text FFFFUUUUCCCKK
  3. Quail
    I'm going to train to teach secondary school level maths Really looking forward to it actually. Hope everything is okay with you.
  4. The Jay
    What level are you trying to teach? Also, congrats on the test.
  5. The Jay
    Why thank you! How're you doing today?
  6. Quail
    Congrats on the blue name
  7. The Jay
    How's it going? Dissertation going well?
  8. The Jay
    I just wanted to say thanks for helping me before.
  9. The Jay
    How does becoming a CU work exactly? I don't know the procedure.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9