Conversation Between Sentinel and Holden Caulfield

  1. yeah, way back in the spring of 1943, when i was but a boy of 17, i used to live in a place called Celle, its in Saxony near Bergen, nice country the job was a bit of a stress but rules are rules
  2. Sentinel
  3. i've got a pedantic fettish as well, I used to live near Belsen back when i was a boy, and i just couldnt bring myself to not follow the rules,
  4. Sentinel
    Well if you have a fetish, its not our responsibility as a community to satisfy it. Think about it. Someone might have a sadistic fetish, but if they applied it on the members here they woud not appreciate it, because it can only be fulfilled with a person with a masochist fetish.

    I, for instance have a pedantic fetish. It may be one reason I make a good admin, dunno. But I always know not to let it go too far -- people would get annoyed.

    So I just keep to maintaining the guidelines agreed on by the CC, and the welfare of the board, pedanticly. Thus I might sometimes seem like a pain in the ass, but I am always thinking about the board first.

    Always think of that before judging me.
  5. oh but it is, i a have pattern fettish maybe, all the stuff i did was all matching and shizzle,
    haha.... oh dear god i have wasted my youth
  6. Sentinel
    Well yeah I've tried to change it but it didn't work, so you will have to deal with it I'm afraid. Believe,me, there are worse things in life we men sometimes are forced to deal with, so it's actually not such a big fucking deal, when you consider it.
  7. the colour scheme is fucked,

    the links are ment to be red,
  8. Sentinel
    Can't get them to change color for some reason
  9. the links were Red as well but thats just me being anal
  10. Sentinel
    Also name changed now.
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