Conversation Between marxistcritic and Manifesto

  1. What group?
  2. No, there are many different hallucinagenic plants in the middle east. Look it up.
  3. Manifesto
    Well then create a group that attacks people like me why dontcha.
  4. Manifesto
    Maybe for an atheist but I also really do not see how weed could grow in the Middle East for that matter.
  5. Only logical explanation.
  6. Manifesto
    I don't think that the words weed or marijuana were really thought up back then if that was indeed what it was.
  7. Burning bush=weed
    He doesn't do that because he knows that it isn't foolish.
  8. Manifesto
    Well besides the obvious reason of a burning bush but I don't see whats so outrageous about it. And don't say samofshs is a pest. Hes not the one going on your forum and saying its foolish to be atheist.
  9. What do you mean how so?
  10. Manifesto
    I see what you mean but how so?
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 30 of 53
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