Conversation Between MarxSchmarx and Module

  1. Module
    Ahh, I am sorry to disappoint, but it is just a picture of a regular gibbon!
    It's not from 'After Man' at all (I've never read it, either, but from Wiki it looks interesting!)
  2. MarxSchmarx
    YES! I love your new avatar! "After Man" is, after "War and Peace", my favorite book of all time! Dougal Dixon FTW! I've loved that book since I was 9 years old.
  3. MarxSchmarx
    bring back the monkaaay!
  4. Module
    Hi, MarxSchmarx, can I ask what country you're in?
  5. MarxSchmarx
    Thanks for the kind words, comrade. I think there's a perennial "class first" attitude among many leftists that we need to chip away at, because oppression is oppression is oppression.
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