Conversation Between ÑóẊîöʼn and No_Leaders

  1. No_Leaders
    Even the people who might look at us in hostility or with some bit of worry as to what our aims are, once those types see the good, the true freedom and equality we're bringing, the better world we're building, then i strongly feel those types will be won over on our side. Those are the types who will see the new society around them and decide to contribute. I recall reading how spanish anarchists wouldn't force anyone to join the commune but a land owner could only own as much land as he could work himself. Usually those owners joined the communes upon seeing how much better life was!
  2. No_Leaders
    Hey comrade, happy belated birthday! I just realized It recently passed coming to your profile haha. I really came to tell you I enjoy your points made especially in the Humanism thread. There are a few of those types who think you need to use excessive force, but i like your defense that we only need to use violence when it's necessary and appropriate. I agree 100% especially me being an anarchist I don't want to oppress innocents. I feel violence would be necessary to defend our gains against the state (police especially) and counter-revolutionaries or fascists but not the local bakery owner, not the bourgeois family who might sympathize with some of our views but decide to stay neutral.
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