Conversation Between Lyev and RedSunRising

  1. Lyev
    Sure, I can leave, that's no big deal. And I don't have to take sides with either of the parties involved, Maoists nor Trotskyists. Do you mean physical violence, anyway? That seems kind of stupid. I'm not sure how or why their goals would be so opposed that the two groups would need to physically fight each other; roundly, their shared goal is surely the self-emancipation of the working class, as a class for itself, like most other communists. To be honest, I would probably side with neither because I am quite dubious of the politics of party-building and consciousness-raising (these seems to be the modus operandi of both Maoism and Trotskyism).
  2. Given recent developments on the board we are being stricter in who is allowed into the group. Also given the expansion of revolutionary struggle into the cities in India the time is fast approaching when the possibility of violence between the CWI in that country and revolutionary forces will break out, when it does which side will you be on?
  3. Lyev
    I am not a "Trotskyite", and probably not a Trotskyist either. (I think most folks involved in Trotskyism dislike the suffix 'ite' -- I certainly do.) And I am certainly not a Maoist either. I am part of lots of groups on Revleft to read up on what is going on, and get an idea of the key debates within a certain leftwing current. I do not really subscribe to a specific tendency at the moment; my ideas are quite confused and I'm always full of questions. Does that address your queries alright?
  4. About your membership in the Maoist group, are you still a Trotskyite?
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