Conversation Between Yuppie Grinder and The Jay

  1. I don't know if that's happening in my town. In my English class a video about that was played. A worker was complaining about how because he doesn't get payed shit he was unable to provide for his son and he got taken away by the state. Everyone in my class except for me and one other person sided with walmart rather than the workers.
  2. The Jay
    nothin much, I am great actually. Are you going to support the Walmart workers?
  3. what's up bro
  4. The Jay
    . . . hi
  5. Which thread are you talking about?
  6. The Jay
    Holy crap that Why do people not like stalinism? thread is so weird.
  7. The Jay
    Good, I'm half bear, half man, and half Lenin's clone.
  8. wtvr
    bears are the tru revolutionary class, not proles
  9. The Jay
    Do you know what the Left needs? We need more identity politics and single-issue campaigning. Will you support veganism now?
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