Conversation Between Yehuda Stern and freepalestine

  1. Yehuda Stern
    I keep changing the settings but it seems they keep getting changed back. I'll try to see what I can do about it.
  2. the arabic forum has only 3 posts on there ,why is that?
  3. Yehuda Stern
    The threads weren't sorted by date. Fixed it now.
  4. ive just posted 2 threads on the arabic forum.though the threads don't appear on the list of threads.
  5. Yehuda Stern
    I think it's fixed now.
  6. Yehuda Stern
    Strange. I'll look into it. Thanks for the notice.
  7. they are counted on my posts,but can't seem to find them on their??
    one post is here:
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12