Conversation Between Dervish and Yehuda Stern

  1. Yehuda Stern
    Well, I don't think they're reformists - the CWI is a classic centrist group. That is not to say they are any better than reformist groups; they just appeal to and aim to disorient more advanced workers and radicalized youth.

    You are correct that Maavak Sozialisti tries very hard not to scare any workers with a reactionary consciousness; they refuse completely to discuss communism or anti-Zionism in their paper or in general. They sometimes refer to injustices wrought upon Arabs in Israel, but when they do, they try very hard to hide the fact that the people they are fighting for are Arabs. They are a rotten nationalist group, which takes most of its revolving-door membership from Zionist youth groups, and it shows.
  2. Dervish
    Hey there
    Are you by any chance familiar with Ma'avak Socializti?

    I'm not at all familiar with them (or CWI), but they seem to be completely reformist -- I just wondered what's the deal with them and I thought that you might have some insight.

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