Conversation Between Remus Bleys and Communist Mutant From Outer Space

  1. Remus Bleys
    i read him, starting with whatever seemed interesting. I was drawn in because he was correct
  2. I just wanted to say something, though I'm not sure you'll read it any time soon seeing as you didn't look like you were sticking around long. Although I still hold that the level of animosity in the thread of mine you replied to was unwarranted, I can see why you were irritated (but again, as I said in the thread, I was unaware that I'd mistyped "means" in the title). Amongst the verbal fireballs, you seemed to have a fairly decent criticism and some good advice, i.e. actually read Marx, Engels, Lenin, etc., as opposed to asking others for their interpretations of what these people meant.

    I'm interested in "Bordigism", as it were, actually, hence why I'm actually trying to clear the water between us here; do you have a suggestion on any particular works of Bordiga I should read first, or any particular order they should be read in at all? What drew you to Bordiga, seeing as he is still fairly obscure in the communist movement?
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