Conversation Between bailey_187 and twenty percent tip

  1. mann u got me and infraction for asking about porn
  2. looll bro u give me jokes
  3. twenty percent tip
    were you get yourporn? youshould do that young and hung shit bab
    This is not a porn site for solicitation. Its in the FAQ, solicitation is not allowed. Infraction.
  4. i work as a club promoter lol. u?

    not alot, i started to get involved with some groups but it seemed really dipressing and pointless but ill go to protests when i cba sometimes. u?
  5. twenty percent tip
    no seriously. do you work? what do you do to fightfor socialism?
  6. Removed link of sexist song.
    Infraction for sexism.
  7. twenty percent tip
    lol wtf mankl
  8. because i want moar clothes, mans a baiders but the wage system limits my swag
  9. twenty percent tip
    yiou like to wear expensive clothes. i knowit. why you ewant communism? whatsyour problem with capitalism? seems like you got it broxer
  10. i also enjoy playiny counterstrike, football and dancing
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 14