Conversation Between Random Precision and The Feral Underclass

  1. Can you PM me a run down on what's just been happening with you and Intelligitimate.

    And me too
  2. Anarchists are academics too. I know several anarchist academics. One who lectures in history actually.

    I've always considered doing a degree in history, but I don't have the academic qualifications to do it. I am a bit of geek when it comes to holocaust history and the Nazi's in general...I'm a freak.
  3. Actually I'm one of those petty-bourgeois Trots who dreams of a life in academia.
    No, but seriously, I am studying history in school, I seem to have a gift for it, and I would like to research it and/or teach it at some level.
  4. It's a play being written for me. It's all about death...Very cheery. So is your chosen career related to theatre?
  5. I think I could work on the technical side of things. Set design, lighting, sound etc. It is not my first career choice but it's a useful trade and in this country at least the workers in it are well organized and well paid. But acting, costuming, directing- never, at least not professionally. What play is it you'll be directing?
  6. I've only ever done one theatre gig and I sucked at it. Is theatre the kind of stuff you want to be doing? I'm directing a play next year, which I've never done before. I'm very nervous about it.
  7. I sort of stumbled into a summer job at a performing arts center near where I live a couple years ago, and have held random stagehand gigs since then.

    It really depends on where I'm working, and who the talent is. Like at my current job the student actors we have don't take themselves too seriously so it's pretty fun, but at the first job I had we got a lot of arrogant music acts, which made a lot of unreasonable demands on us and made it unpleasant for everyone.
  8. How did you get into working with theatre? Do you enjoy it?
  9. Someone who is a moderator should know that posting spam pictures in CC is not permitted. They shouldn't have to be warned about it. It's a pretty basic thing to know.

    Why was August given an infraction for this? Has he been verbal and PM warned?
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