Conversation Between gorillafuck and Glenn Beck

  1. That probably has a lot to do with it. To be clear, though my post was intentionally inflammatory I would describe the problem more as one of systemic bias and lack of critical self-examination than any avowed political allegiance to the US over Russia. But the susceptibility of self-described communists and radicals to cultural and mass-media hype and bias should be alarming.
  2. I don't want to derail a really interesting thread so I'll wall post you.

    I don't think this is due to people cheering on the United States. I think that the reason people were cheering on the Iranian protests but a lot of people who cheered that on are dismissing the ones in Kyrgyzstan is because Iran's repression is highly publicized in the media, while the level of authoritarianism in Kyrgyzstan has never been mentioned in US and (as far as I know) European media.
  3. Greatest avatar + name combination award goes to you.
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