Conversation Between Nachie and Blackscare

  1. Nah, we'd pretty much only ban you if you tried to bring Lenin on there. I don't really see anything wrong with the idea of a "vanguard" in a Makhnovist sense... after all, we are an organization that does stuff, so in some way at the very least we see ourselves as having a different purpose than people who don't do anything.

    I would see a problem with insisting on the term "anarchist vanguard" just because it's so problematic, and nobody will really understand it. More to the point, I don't actually see any connection between it and anything that physically affects RAAN in terms of our strategy and practice. That would be my main argument against trying to start a discussion about it on there - though there are already discussion regarding the purpose and strategy of RAAN, which basically boils down to the same thing except without having to have the concept of a "vanguard".
  2. Blackscare
    Well I'd probably get into an argument pretty quickly about what a vanguard actually is, in my mind. I still consider myself basically an anarchist, but an anarchist vanguardist, like Makhno (not sure if he ever referred to himself as such, but looking at what was done you can make an argument for it).

    I am against party vanguards for sure.

    I'd probably get banned

    Now, if it'd be cool for me to just have a fairly polite discussion of the subject from a non-leninist perspective, and not get insta-banned, I'll go make an account now.
  3. In all seriousness, you're more than welcome to come bust a hard chill on the RAAN forums, there is plenty of funny shit on there we just don't tolerate vanguardism.
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