Conversation Between Q and Ostrinski

  1. Q
    In my experience (I've only had a Kindle, so I can't compare), the Kindle is pretty awesome.
  2. Do you think the kindle is the best e-reader?
  3. I've been into left communism for a few months but I'm pretty much tired of having my politics be defined by my position on the Russian Revolution and Bolsheviks.
  4. Q
    Already? I only barely noticed your shift to left-communism!

    But welcome back
  5. Disillusioned with left communism, becoming interested in Ortho-Marxism.
  6. Ah, thanks. I appreciate it.
  7. Q
    As I see you already thanked the post, I'll post an update to it here as well:

    The Weekly Worker group maintains a Vimeo page that has 84 videos on it thus far, on a wide range of topics. And there is also a podcast with commentary almost every week.
  8. Well thank you comrade. Your posts have had influence on me, so I'm honored by the recognition.
  9. Q
    We seem to have a lot of opinion in common, hence the friend request
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 29 of 29