Conversation Between NewLeft and Lanky Wanker

  1. Lanky Wanker
  2. NewLeft
    You forgot your k.. Nevermind.
  3. Lanky Wanker
    Feck aaaff.
  4. NewLeft
    Hi there, I'm NewLeft. How are you today?
  5. Lanky Wanker
    Landsharkz looks angry down below.

    And yeah, Roosterism is the foundation of leftist hipsterism now. Against Marxism-Leninism, united, we stand!
  6. NewLeft
    Trying to be hip? With your roosterism and 777 reputation.
  7. NewLeft
    I don't deny it.
  8. Lanky Wanker
    You actually wasted your time making that for me?
  9. NewLeft
  10. NewLeft
    Trolling level 50?
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