Conversation Between Brosip Tito and NorwegianCommunist

  1. Why is it the best way to achieve communism, when every ML experiment has been a proven failrue at achieving even a proletariant dictatorship.

    Do you mean Marxism-Leninism in general or what Stalin, Marx, Engels and Lenin wrote?

    Marxism-Leninism in general, as well as Stalin's works and ideas. Which, by the way, do have a revision of Marx, Engels and Lenin incorporated.
  2. NorwegianCommunist
    I think it's the best way to achive communism.

    Do you mean Marxism-Leninism in general or what Stalin, Marx, Engels and Lenin wrote?
  3. Hey, so, why do you think Marxism-Leninism is the correct tendency/ideology for Marxists?

    What have you read on the subject so far?
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